Archives for the month of: June, 2013

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There is the classic saying “Another year, another age,” but to me with an addition of a year to my age, I see myself continuing to move forward. Being old isn’t the worst thing to me, it brings an understanding of life and the creation of more relationships with others.  I look back at when I turned 21 and the things I wanted – I saw myself as a kid looking forward to finishing college and moving on into a profession that I feel met what I wanted in life.

 Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future— JFK

At 28, graduated college and having the relationship with friends and family I have are fantastic – I couldn’t ask for more. With this said, I see myself always looking toward the future and what I want out of the rest of my life. The inevitable end of twenties is coming. I choose to not fear the end but embrace the idea of growing older and making a life that I have always wanted to create.

I want to thank my readers for keeping up with me this month with my “30 days of posts” endeavor. Hopefully you will continue to visit the blog as I have more great content to post!

Classically Yours,




  • The inspiration for my blog logo
  • My brother bought him for $30 on Craig’s List
  • He likes to sit around the house like a buddah
  • He has a twitch when you pet his sweet spot
  • Breathes through his mouth
  • If you want to see more of Pav you can follow my Instagram @indpndntgntlmn
  • Loved by one and all that meet him

Classically yours,




Today, I bought my tickets to see my favorite rapper Drake.  I have seen him once before and it remains my favorite concert of all time. He is nothing but a performer -he is passionate about what he does and that is what I love most about him.

A preppy gent like myself may not fit your general idea of someone being a Drake fan. Let me explain to you why he gets me and I bump his music on the reg.

Drake, unlike other rappers seems to focus on things such as life, love, and family rather than your typical “Clubbin,” “Bitches,” and “Weed,” type of subject matter.  I remember being the guy who said, “Why would anyone listen to Drake? He is just another rapper who focuses on garbage that I don’t believe in.” Well, upon a further listen (especially with the album Take Care) I saw a man who not only comes from a good background, but one who had emotions and feelings like myself.

On the song “Doing it Wrong,” he says “We live in a generation of, not being in love, and not being together but we sure make it feel like we together cause we are scared to see each other with someone else.” I feel like I can relate to him and his search for a love that truly matters and means something but at the same time, seeing a modern world where such ideas may not exist.

Drake will forever be my favorite rapper for many of the reasons I have said but also because he continues to put out tunes that stick with me.  He is passionate about what he raps about and the music he creates.  I aspire to have his confidence and his creativity. October’s Own Forever.

Classically Yours,




Top 20 Memories of my Elementary School Experience

1.     Friends I made

2.     My Teachers

3.     Recess

4.     Pizza Parties

5.     Having Milk money to drink it in class

6.     Reading in the library

7.     Oregon Trial

8.     Sock Hop

9.     P.E.

10. No pressure to learn

11. Art class

12. Music class

13. D.A.R.E.

14. Making Oreo Turkeys for Thanksgiving

15. Writing love letters

16. Shape Ups

17. Nap time

18. Singing in choir

19. School Plays

20. Celebrating my friends birthdays in class.


I have found that over time, one of the greatest experiences I remember having in life was my elementary years at Delaware.  I learned so many things that would help further my education. I made good friends and learned the overall importance of being a student that could work well independently and with groups.

A good school experience, especially when you’re younger, can help shape your outlook on education.  I remember the end of my fifth grade year and feeling mixed emotions about moving on to middle school.  My elementary education helped to form me into one who was ready for the obstacles of junior high and the feelings that came with it.  My teachers at Delaware strived to make every student feel comfortable and focused.

I feel very fortunate to have been a student of this elementary school because unlike other schools,  Delaware had a special education program unlike any other in the district, in which students were able to help kids with disabilities.  This made my outlook on education that much stronger.  As like others in my class, we became both friends and teachers to those who were learning on a different level.

Elementary school was my favorite, above all levels of education I have completed.  The school slogan “Love is spoken here” remained true as I never was pressured or felt uncomfortable. I felt that Delaware gave me a good start at being the man I grew up to be and continue to become.

Classically Yours,



Pie Night Itinerary:

  • It happens on Wednesdays at all Village Inn’s across the nation
  • Free pie can be had when you buy an item to go along with your pie such as coffee.
  • Certain pies are free, typically they’re fruit pies. You can also roll “feature,” which is a different pie every month.
  • My friends and family always have a good time – the more people who join in, the better the experience.


I cherish pie from the filling to the crust it is one of my favorite desserts. The beginnings of Pie Night emerged when my friend Charlie talked about going, and has since grown into something bigger. My family and friends have gotten into the experience of the free pie frenzy.

I also love Pie Night like Sunday Night Dinner and Hipster Tuesday, in that it is a night I get to spend it with others.  My friends and family all gather around one table and the wild ruckus begins.  We swap stories, talk about music, movies, and the happenings of the week.

If you have read some of my previous posts, you know I enjoy the idea of traditions and how we create tighter relationships with them.  Pie Night, like the other routines I have, has made me come closer to my friends and family and to continue to have a bond with them that will never be forgotten.

Classically yours,


Hipster Tuesday


·      Started in late 2009

·      This is a day that the great minds of my crew come together and discuss the great music of the week over dinner, coffee and a movie.

·      The name comes from my friend Coop’s wife Sarah, who jokingly called it “Hipster Tuesday.”

·      We eat at the same restaurant since the first day we commenced the meeting

·      Coffee is still at the same joint.

·      The crew decides on a movie we all want to watch each week.

·      The crew has nothing but fun, and laughs the entire night.

This is one of my favorite parts of the week, when I kick it with my crew who includes Coop, Snyd, Blake, and  Tuck. It has produced some of the most memorable and quotable nights.  I can remember when we first started the Tuesday routine back, back in the day and how it finally felt like I was forming the most solid crew of friends that would forever be my friends.  We swap music, tell stories, and simply have the best time.  This hasn’t changed and I hope that it continues to remain the same for years to come.

 Classically Yours,




Jori- My editor and one of my best friends. A main part of what fuels my creativity in writing and the DIYs for my blog.  Jori is always there for me, and the blog as it continues to evolve into what it has become today. Also, check out her blog.

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DNGR- He’s the man behind all of the fantastic photos of me.  He is a good friend of mine and helps share a vision through the lens his camera and how I want to present myself to my readers.

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Kendra- She’s the fantastic artist behind my icon (my cat) and my drawing of myself in my About Me section.  She is so creative and very talented with her art and is one of the best people to go to with advice for my projects.  Check out Kendra’s Etsy for her fantastic works.

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Hope- She’s one of the newer parts to my team. Hope is the one who does and will continue work on the design of my blog.  She is a whiz with computers, and is a very creative person who likes making all kinds of handmade goods. Here is her Etsy, Tumblr, and blog.

Classically Yours,




My mom started the idea of Sunday Night Dinner about three years ago in order to bring our friends and family all together.  This day is perfect for the get together – all of us are off during the evening and are able to participate.  During the beginning of the week, we decide on what the dinner menu will be. Everyone brings a given side dish, desert, utensils, etc. to contribute.

This week, we had sliders with French fries – this is one of the group’s favorite dishes to make and enjoy. Every week varies, but each choice is always solid.

 Sunday is my favorite day of the week because I am able to share good conversations and eat great homemade food with others.  I feel like this is an important thing for my loved ones and me. We can meet one night a week to enjoy each other’s company and talk about what we have to look forward to the upcoming week.

Classically Yours,



  • Friendly
  • Fun
  • Faithful
  • Fashionable
  • Fiery

Classically Yours,



  • To hang out with friends and family as much as possible
  • Keep my run schedule consistent in preparation for my marathon in November
  • Actually complete my summer reading list
  • Go to at least one or two more concerts
  • Eat Pineapple Whip at least once
  • See more movies at the theatre
  • Enjoy the summer weather
  • Keep my looks fresh and cool to battle the summer heat
  • Make fresh lemonade
  • Buy swim trunks in preparation for learning how to swim
  • Keeping creative

Classically yours,