Archives for posts with tag: Love

Valentines Day

1.  David Bowie- Valentine’s Day

2. Chet Baker- My Funny Valentine

3. The Beatles- And I Love Her

4. The Naked and Famous- Hearts Like Ours

5. Magnetic Fields- The Book of Love

6. Van Morrison- Crazy Love

7.  Adele- First Love

8. The Cure- Love Song

9. The Maccabees- Toothpaste Kisses

10. Paul McCartney- My Valentine

11.  The Bird and the Bee- Kiss on my List

12. Ingrid Michaelson- Can’t Help Falling in Love

Stream/download here

Classically Yours,



  • Friendly
  • Fun
  • Faithful
  • Fashionable
  • Fiery

Classically Yours,


Old School Apple LogoI would have to say one of the best purchases I have ever made was my MacBook – it was everything to me.  I was able to keep all my music, movies, papers, and other such vices inside of one small package. When I first purchased a computer in college, it was a Dell.  I dreamed of always having the infamous white MacBook but with the funds I had at the time, the Dell worked for me.  It wasn’t that the Dell was a bad computer but it didn’t have the mystique of a Mac.

A Mac is a well-constructed machine. Rather than having multiple tiny pieces is put together with less and is more solid.  The white just made it so clean and fresh looking to me.  It grabs your attention and stays with you. Especially when it makes the sound when it boots up and the little apple on the backside lights up.   Needless to say, it was during my third year of college that I finally bought a Mac and I loved it.  It seemed like everything was so much easier than using my Dell.

During my last semester of college, my white MacBook bit the dust. I was heartbroken. It was also upon the week of finals when it happened and all my papers were due. Luckily, I was able to obtain all my files off of the hard drive. I then invested in a MacBook Pro and I have loved it ever since.  It’s not the pearly white MacBook but it gets the job done.  I will forever be a Mac fan.

Classically Yours,


date 1


February 14, a day that lives in infamy for those of us who are single.  We sit around lonely, looking at others as they celebrate a day created by commercialism, to embrace the idea of “love.” Is it wrong to celebrate this day? No. I believe it is a good thing to signify a persons’ love for another, but why celebrate it on one day, when your love for someone can easily be expressed any other day of the year?

date 2


Love, as I see it, is a quantification of feelings that can be expressed by two people at any given moment. In today’s world, others can see love as being nothing more than temporary. To me, though, love is vastly different and so are the new school ideas on relationships. What happened to the simple days when a man was able to get to know a woman and truly appreciate them? Going on dates were once an activity that individuals enjoyed.  They were able to have good conversation and try to understand on another. Most importantly they had fun. Dates, much like Valentine’s Day, almost seem fabricated. They’re almost a game, in which multiple dates equaled some kind of reward.

Here are my thoughts on Valentine’s Day: It isn’t a bad day but it is one that lets me rejoice in the idea of meeting someone someday that I will truly love.  Valentine’s Day isn’t one for me to sit around lonely and to be sad that I don’t have someone to be with; but, one in which I gather around friends and loved ones to celebrate the company that each of us share.  It is not about giving into the commercial idea of what the media or consumerism wants us to value.

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Take time to celebrate those around you and how they are important to your life. That’s what the day is truly about. Instead of taking pity in yourself, embrace who you are and the position you have in life.

date 4

Classically Yours,




It is around Valentine’s Day that people are made to feel obligated to represent their love for one another. Why is it that we are made to feel this way, on one day of the year, rather than the other 364 days? Artists create albums every second, day, year, and never is it said that they were written on Valentine’s Day. I made this playlist, to not necessarily represent Valentine’s Day, but to remind myself and others that love does exist for us, and to not be quantified on such a day as this one that is commercially known to celebrate couples and their feelings for each other.

Let’s take a moment to also remember that this is “Singles Awareness Day.” Let these songs not put you in a bad mood because you’re one of the few single people in the world right now – as the card companies would like to say, celebrate the idea that there is someone out there for you, just not on Valentine’s Day.

Classically Yours,