Archives for posts with tag: January


1. Burial- “Rival Dealer”

2. Beyonce- “Mine” (Feat. Drake)

3. Nothing- “Dig”

4. “Real Estate-  “Talking Backwards”

5.  Death of Lovers- “Buried Under a World of Roses”

6.  Soft Moon- “The Feel”

7.  Eternal Summers- “Gouge”

8.  Dum Dum Girls- “Lost Boys and Girls Club”

9. Temples- “Shelter Song”

10.  I Break Horses-  “Denial”

11. Warpaint- “Hi”

12. Hospitality- “Rockets and Jets”

13. Quilt- “Mary Mountain”

Download here

Classically Yours,



This month has been filled with many new and great music discoveries. Unlike past years, this month hasn’t always offered a strong amount of good music. This January, however, was jam-packed with many tunes that I see myself listening to for the rest of the year.  Enjoy this playlist.

Classically Yours,